How can i be sure that the teachers you send me are actually qualified?

Our recruiters do extensive research, screening and background checks of our applicants before they become part of our staffing pool. We conduct a detailed interview with the applicants; obtain their CBR clearance; verify their transcripts and ECE coursework, call past employers, etc. As a standard practice Subs are required to carry with them to every assignment a file with all the required licensing documents. Should they arrive at your center without their travel file we will send it to you electronically. Center Directors are responsible for checking the travel file before placing the sub into a classroom.

The teacher will not be familiar with our curriculum, how can they function effectively?

Lead teachers have years of child care experience with a variety of curriculum philosophies. But, naturally, they will not be experts on every aspect of your program. Brandy & Co. sensitizes all teachers to strictly abide by the program’s guidelines.

Can i try your services before committing to a membership?

Yes. It would be our pleasure for you to try us out before purchasing one of the membership levels. We offer a FREE routine scheduling, as an option to try the service. All additional fees and hourly rates will apply, a card will be taken at the time of scheduling for payment. In a pinch scheduling, is not available without a membership.

How quickly can you fulfill an order for a substitute?

Brandy & Co. can respond within 2 hours after receiving your order, for In a pinch scheduling. For routine scheduling, naturally, a more exact match to your requirements can be met.

How does your billing work?

At the time of scheduling you will be prompted to pay for the company’s minimum requirement of 4 hours. When you enter into contract with Brandy & Co., you will fill out a payment authorization form. Additional fees, and hours on top of the previously paid 4 hours will be billed once the time sheet has been authorized.

where do i call to get more information?

You can contact us at (503)893-2927

can i place orders after hours?

Yes, the website allows for 24/7 scheduling requests. You may also place orders via email and voicemail. If your order is placed after hours, a coordinator will contact you first thing the following morning. Please keep in mind last minute requests may take a couple of hours due to the high demand of pre-requests on the calendar.

How do we establish how many hours a substitute has worked?

Once under contract, you will be sent a time sheet that will be used for our employees. Our employee will fill out the time sheet as they come and go during the assignment and an authorized representative of your centers signs the time sheet before emailing to Brandy & Co.