Our Vision

Come in. Stay a while.


Nice to meet you! I’m Brandy. I am a lover of all things business, read 3-4 books at one time, drink tea non-stop and have to have a candle lit to feel relaxed. Welcome to your first step in becoming a better business and profiting 10X more than you are now.

Have a seat on my virtual couch as I tell you our story:

Brandy and Co is an education group dedicated to offering services and resources to child care centers that go beyond the scope of the county.

We understand that running a child care business is challenging and unique to you. Sometimes it even seems like you are on an island alone. Believe me, I’ve been on Survivor’s Island.

Our vision is to bridge that gap between us. We would like to create opportunities and programs that unite child care centers/staff, and strengthens your business and purpose.

There is strength in numbers and value in collaboration. With Brandy and Co., there is no need to be politically correct, don’t be afraid to admit you are having trouble staying in compliance in some areas. We have all been there.

We are here to help!

We begin our work with one of the most common issues in child care, staffing. How many times are you left scrambling to find coverage for a classroom? Have you had to deny time off request because you don’t have a teacher to fill in? Has your director found themselves back in the classroom, until they hire a new teacher?

If you have started this business because it is your dream job to be a business owner, you know that loving your job means long hours, and trying to do 20 jobs at once,. You are the center director, cook, sanitation specialist, bus driver, financial planner, curriculum designer, enrollment manager… and the list goes on.

But there comes a point when you have to stop being everybody to be somebody. You are not all of those things and shouldn’t have to be.


Brandy Coleman
Executive Director, Brandy & Co.


Brandy Coleman, Founder/Executive Director